Available courses

A Spectrum of Superpowers in Play Therapy

Presented by:

Cynthia Manley, MA, CCC, RCT, CPT

 Saturday and Sunday

October 5 & 6, 2024     9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time

On-line Synchronous (live instructor) training

Course Content

Is Autism Spectrum Disorder a disability, Superpower or combination of both? In this course, we explore a new way of looking at this diagnosis and using this lens in play therapy. We will balance theoretical and factual knowledge with examples of clinical experiences. In the first part of the course, we review up to date information about Autism Spectrum Disorder. Further, we investigate the dimensions of Autism including executive function, sensory-based challenges, emotional regulation, and social skills.

Participants then identify and engage in both directive and non-directive play therapy with clients on the spectrum after we review case conceptualization and treatment planning. The Superpowers of ASD will also be investigated.

Certificate Outcomes:

1. Name some Superpowers of ASD that might emerge in Play Therapy and explain how they might create resilience factors for clients and caregivers.

2. List diagnostic criteria for ASD that are relevant for play therapy.

3. Name common myths/misinformation about ASD that might hinder progress in Play Therapy.

4. Explain the concept of Executive Function and how it applies to Play Therapy.

5. Describe the grief process of parents/caregivers and how it impacts Play Therapy.

6. Name research-based play therapy interventions that would be appropriate for clients on the spectrum.

7. Conceptualize cases for children/teens on the spectrum and create Play Therapy

       treatment plans that address dysregulation, lagging social skills, sensory based

      challenges, executive functioning and the superpowers of having autism.

8. Identify directive and non-directive play therapy approaches that address:

     dysregulation issues, lagging social skills, sensory based challenges and executive  functioning.

9. Discuss ways to involve caregivers in the play therapy process.

Register Here


Disruptive Behaviour disorders (DBD’s) are the most common mental health problem among children. In addition to being one of the most common disorders it is also one of the most challenging to intervene with for a variety of reasons, including the prevalence of co-morbidity and level of associated issues such as disregulation, anti-social behaviour and systemic problems.

This two-day presentation will provide participants with a clear understanding of the DBD spectrum, including diagnostic features, risk and preventive factors, and intervention strategies using play therapy for the individual, family and school setting.

16 Disruptive


Puppets have been used for centuries to entertain and educate children and adults. In more recent times we have learned to use puppets to engage and heal children, youth and families through play therapy using puppets. This workshop will provide participants with the key skills and requirements to help puppets come alive and be powerful tools in setting and achieving treatment goals. Participants will be presented with a wide variety of ways to use puppets to meet a wide variety of treatment goals

17 Puppetry


Although Play Therapy has been recognized as an effective approach with children, few practitioners may be aware that adults can benefit from this approach too. Play Therapy assumes that clients of all ages remain child-like within their internal processes and that everyone can benefit from nonverbal self-expression. Play Therapy interventions can allow adults to access their inner selves and work through everything from childhood trauma to life transitions. Creating a safer, more distanced approach through play, and knowing how to use a variety of materials within a session, helps build the therapeutic relationship and the trust needed to work through presenting problems. These interventions promote healing and stress reduction by giving clients the permission they need to access the child within.

Research has demonstrated that Play Therapy techniques can also be effectively incorporated into therapy for adults with developmental disabilities, co-morbid mental health disorders or anyone who might struggle with traditional “talk therapy”. Play Therapy can assist adults in validating and interpreting their experiences without the defectiveness of therapeutic goals. It can lead to stress release, self-affirmation, insight, and improved communication.

In this one-day training we will explore the diverse approaches and clinical strategies employed by play therapists with adults and give participants the opportunity to practice some of these techniques with each other. This training encourages clinicians to make greater use of expressive play therapy activities to enrich their therapeutic interactions with clients.

18 Adults


Group work can be challenging, but it also is extremely interesting and rewarding. Many issues have been found to be better treated through group play therapy than individually. This course will help participants strengthen their knowledge and skills in being able to run effective play therapy groups involving children and adolescents. Participants will learn how to make critical decisions when forming groups and to establish what their role should be to maximize effectiveness. Participants will also learn how to deal with conflict and utilize group issues as “learning moments”.

19 Group


When children and adolescents enter therapy due to a significant loss, they are at a very vulnerable time in their lives. They are often anxious about the therapeutic process and reluctant or unable to talk directly about painful feelings. Therapy that is engaging and play-based can facilitate their expression of grief and loss. This two-day training will combine up-to-date theory with innovative play therapy techniques. A theoretical overview will provide a context for the assessment and treatment interventions. Creative interventions will be outlined to equip therapists to assess and treat various forms of childhood loss such as bereavement, divorce, and placement in out-of-home care. A combination of lecture, experiential exercises, and activities will provide participants with an enriching training experience. Workshop participants will come away with a better understanding of grief theory, and many new and innovative play therapy techniques.

20 Coping


The CAPT Play Therapy Certificate Program has provided participants with a broad array of play therapy models, theories and strategies to deal with a wide variety of mental health issues and disorders in the clinical world. This presentation will integrate the course material learned in the first five (5) weeks of the Foundation Play Therapy training and will apply these learnings to a case study. The instructor will discuss the case from referral to termination, including which model of play therapy intervention to select and which strategies to use in the various stages of treatment: Assessment, Treatment Planning, Intervention and Termination. Participants will explore how alternative clinical decisions might impact the case.

21 Case


Art Therapy is a therapeutic process that uses art as an intervention to effectively work with children, teens and adults to address numerous issues. Art Therapy is integral to play therapy theory and associated models. Art Therapy can be utilized with individuals, groups, couples or families within private practice, hospitals, schools, centres, outreach, outpatient, etc. Art Therapy can be utilized to enhance the child’s healing. This one-day course will provide an overview of art therapy and how to use art as a therapeutic play therapy tool with children.

22 Art


This course will provide an overview of Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Resiliency during the practice of play therapy. The importance of self-care in applying various play therapy models and care will be highlighted and participants will explore creative modalities for developing an individual self-care program.

23 Self Care


This introductory course will begin with a short introduction to CAPT and the Certification Process. Following the morning break a presentation will begin on the various definitions of play therapy. The therapeutic powers of play will be presented and applied to the play therapy process. Students will also learn how to set up a playroom and a portable play therapy kit and how to select appropriate toys and materials.



This two-day course will begin with a review of the major theories that constitute the frameworks for the major models of play therapy, particularly the psychoanalytic influences in the early part of the twentieth century, the person-centered work in the middle and the didactic theories that have been developed in the latter part of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The history of play therapy will be carefully presented so as to observe the evolution of this method of child intervention, allowing the members of the class to participate with case vignettes and small group discussions. The play therapy process will be examined with a particular focus on understanding basic themes by observing a play therapy puppet show, discovering and sharing these themes in small groups and learning how to record themes. Particular attention will be placed on how to respond to child client’s need for pacing of emotional content. Selected research studies supporting the effectiveness of play therapy will also be presented, thereby being aware of the attention to current efficacy based research, qualitative studies and the need for future studies.



This will be an introduction into ethics and a review of ethical decision making models in a Play Therapy setting. The CACPT Code of Ethics will be a pivotal component to this workshop, observing the child-therapist relationships, play therapy case reporting, ethical considerations such as confidentiality, dual relationships in play therapy. Standards of practice both from an ethical point of view as well as professionally will be addressed. Ethics will be looked at in the context of who we are as play therapists, where we work and how these can influence and affect our decision-making processes. Key ethical conflicts will be explored and discussed in a play therapy setting. The Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy code of ethics and the application of it to the professional practice as a Child Psychotherapist and Play Therapist will be reviewed.



This workshop will outline a directive play therapy model for assessing children and families. Creative engagement and assessment activities will be presented. Participants will learn how to translate assessment information into a treatment plan, and guidelines for report writing will be discussed. Participants will receive a packet of assessment activities that they can use immediately in their practice.



Family play therapy has been growing in the use as clinicians discover that play can be universally used with all ages. Through family therapy, the power of the system is able to be harnessed along with the power of play to create an amazing process of learning and change. This course will help lay the foundation for understanding why family play therapy is effective and how to make sessions with families engaging and effective.

Family PT


 Non-Directive Play Therapy is the most prominent model of play therapy. Child-centered play therapy was developed by Virginia Axline based on the principles Client-Centered Therapy by Carl Rogers. Its premise is that if a therapist creates a safe therapeutic environment a child will initiate the therapeutic work they need to do to resolve presenting issues. It is an evidence-based therapeutic intervention for children ages 3-12 and older. 

 Play is a child’s natural medium of communication, symbolic language. Play serves important child developmental purposes including motor, social, emotional, intellectual and mastery. Play represents the child's attempt to organize and integrate their experiences and internal world.  It is by expressing, through play - the process of externalizing the images and symbols from the inner world, through a creative medium that is witnessed in sensory form and honoured by a skilled and trained therapist who is fully present - that a deeper level of growth and healing occur. Child-Centered Play Therapy is an empirically supported approach that helps children express feelings, heal trauma, develop emotional regulation and problem-solving skills, and enhance self-esteem. 

Filial Therapy is a highly effective empirically-supported intervention integrating family therapy and play therapy to address child and family problems. Therapists learn how to train and supervise parents as they conduct special child-centered play sessions with their own children, an approach designed to resolve presenting problems while strengthening family relationships. It facilitates positive and long-lasting child and family change. Filial therapy has been used in many different settings and has been embraced by many cultural and ethnic groups throughout the world because of its respectful involvement of parents as partners in the process of family change.

07 NDPT Filial


Attachment theory and practice within the play therapy models is pivotal and integral to the healing of children with developmental trauma. This course will review attachment theory and introduce students to effective models for treating children with developmental trauma through play therapy and attachment focused therapy, including: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Theraplay Circle of Security The course will also focus on how to use Play Therapy approaches to assist the assessment and treatment of developmental trauma, integrating the therapy models and approaches to enhance its usability and effectiveness with children and families.

Attachment Image


Theraplay is a dynamic and effective short-term approach to treating children’s emotional, social and behavioural problems. Based on the intimacy and physical interplay that characterize normal relationships between parent and child, Theraplay as a play therapy technique uses structured play to enhance healthy attachment, selfregulation and to promote the child’s self-esteem, competence and trust in others. Theraplay as a play therapy model is applicable to children of all ages from infants to adolescents. Methods for guiding parents to observe their children more emphatically and to participate in direct application in treatment sessions aimed at fostering better parent-child relationship will be reviewed.

07 Theraplay


This introductory course will begin with a short introduction to CAPT and the Certification Process. Following the morning break a presentation will begin on the various definitions of play therapy. The therapeutic powers of play will be presented and applied to the play therapy process. Students will also learn how to set up a playroom and a portable play therapy kit and how to select appropriate toys and materials.

09 Sandtray

Overview: This one day course explores current theories and research on brain development with a focus on common presenting problems encountered by play therapists, such as attachment problems, neglect and trauma exposure. This course will investigate the influence of “play” on the brain and consequently the “healing of children” within all models of play therapy.

This overview of the key principles of neurodevelopment will be invaluable for play therapy clinicians during the assessment process and for developing
effective treatment plans. This course will also review some promising treatment approaches, such as neurosequential programming, to help inform the selection of appropriate play therapy models.

10 Brain


Many children and adolescents are referred for therapy because they have experienced a traumatic event or a series of events. This workshop will define the various types of trauma including complex trauma and other disorders that may be trauma-based. It will provide an overview of trauma symptoms across the lifespan emphasizing the types of post-traumatic play seen in the playroom. a framework for assessing the symptoms of trauma as experienced by young, school aged including and adolescent clients and their families using a variety of play based, standardized and non-standardized measures will be explored.

The instructor will identify a theoretical perspective that determines the current stage of treatment so that the therapist can make informed decisions about what to address with a traumatized child and his/her family, when it should be addressed, and why.

This course incorporates a culturally sensitive perspective given the culturally diverse populations seen in clinical practice with an emphasis on working with Canada’s Indigenous children, youth and families.

The second day This workshop provides an overview of treatment for traumatized children and adolescents. It includes an in depth exploration of at the various types of play that traumatized children engage in, trans-theoretical stages of trauma therapy and at exposure; one of the essential elements of trauma therapy. It will highlight evidence based models such trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy (Cohen, Mannarino & Deblinger) for type one traumas, the Attachment, Self Regulation and Competency model (Blaustein & Kinnibergh) for complex trauma and how they can be adapted to play therapy.

There are other emerging models that have a developing evidence base will also be explored

11 Trauma


Anti-oppressive practice, cultural competence, cultural humility and the integration of these in the provision of play therapy services is an essential element of working with culturally diverse children and families. The principals that inform this include a number of facets related to identity and experiences of relative power and privilege. One facet, and perhaps a starting place, is self-reflection: acknowledging privilege and the benefits that affords. Another facet is responsibility: taking responsibility for the historical injustices that have resulted from unearned privilege. A third facet is receptivity: seeking and remaining open to feedback from oppressed and marginalized groups and individuals about how to better understand and more sensitively respond to their experiences of oppression and marginalization, both historical and ongoing. And yet another facet is action: putting into action an ongoing process of reflection, responsibility and receptivity that supports a clinical response that is built on social justice principles and practices.

This one-day course will engage participants in: activities of self-reflection and sharing; didactic teaching and audio-visual material that explore historical and current social justice issues; group activities to support openness and discussion and practical suggestions about how to put this into action in the practice of play therapy.

13 Inclusive


Stories have been with us since the beginning of mankind. In fact, stories seem to have pre-dated oral language as evidenced by cave drawings. This session will explore how to use story models of play therapy to assess and heal children, youth, adults, and families. Participants will understand the different uses of Storytelling in play therapy, including Narrative Therapy, Drama Therapy, Sand Tray, Art, and Puppetry. Participant will be able to use stories to attain three main goals; assessment, treatment/healing and evaluation. As well they will be able find or create stories to meet specific client goals.

14 Storytelling


Anxiety is the most frequently occurring mental illness among children and adolescents. It includes Generalized Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Separation Anxiety, Selective Mutism and Specific Phobias. This workshop will describe the most common anxiety disorders and how to assess for them. As they have both biological and behavioural components, the importance of working with primary care physicians and psychiatrists will be addressed. This workshop will outline Cognitive Behaviour Play Therapy interventions that are adaptations of evidence-based CBT principles such as psycho-education, skill development, exposure and relapse prevention. Methods of evaluating progress and outcomes in therapy will be explored.

15 Anxiety


Using lecture, student practice sessions, instructor demonstration and teaching videotapes, this two-day course will integrate foundational child abuse theories with directive and nondirective play therapy methods to prepare play therapists to meet the unique needs of children and youth who have been physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused.

12 Abused Children


This introductory course will begin with a short introduction to CAPT and the Certification Process. Following the morning break a presentation will begin on the various definitions of play therapy. The therapeutic powers of play will be presented and applied to the play therapy process. Students will also learn how to set up a playroom and a portable play therapy kit and how to select appropriate toys and materials.



This two-day course will begin with a review of the major theories that constitute the frameworks for the major models of play therapy, particularly the psychoanalytic influences in the early part of the twentieth century, the person-centered work in the middle and the didactic theories that have been developed in the latter part of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The history of play therapy will be carefully presented so as to observe the evolution of this method of child intervention, allowing the members of the class to participate with case vignettes and small group discussions. The play therapy process will be examined with a particular focus on understanding basic themes by observing a play therapy puppet show, discovering and sharing these themes in small groups and learning how to record themes. Particular attention will be placed on how to respond to child client’s need for pacing of emotional content. Selected research studies supporting the effectiveness of play therapy will also be presented, thereby being aware of the attention to current efficacy based research, qualitative studies and the need for future studies.



This will be an introduction into ethics and a review of ethical decision making models in a Play Therapy setting. The CACPT Code of Ethics will be a pivotal component to this workshop, observing the child-therapist relationships, play therapy case reporting, ethical considerations such as confidentiality, dual relationships in play therapy. Standards of practice both from an ethical point of view as well as professionally will be addressed. Ethics will be looked at in the context of who we are as play therapists, where we work and how these can influence and affect our decision-making processes. Key ethical conflicts will be explored and discussed in a play therapy setting. The Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy code of ethics and the application of it to the professional practice as a Child Psychotherapist and Play Therapist will be reviewed.



This workshop will outline a directive play therapy model for assessing children and families. Creative engagement and assessment activities will be presented. Participants will learn how to translate assessment information into a treatment plan, and guidelines for report writing will be discussed. Participants will receive a packet of assessment activities that they can use immediately in their practice.



Family play therapy has been growing in the use as clinicians discover that play can be universally used with all ages. Through family therapy, the power of the system is able to be harnessed along with the power of play to create an amazing process of learning and change. This course will help lay the foundation for understanding why family play therapy is effective and how to make sessions with families engaging and effective.

Family PT


 Non-Directive Play Therapy is the most prominent model of play therapy. Child-centered play therapy was developed by Virginia Axline based on the principles Client-Centered Therapy by Carl Rogers. Its premise is that if a therapist creates a safe therapeutic environment a child will initiate the therapeutic work they need to do to resolve presenting issues. It is an evidence-based therapeutic intervention for children ages 3-12 and older. 

 Play is a child’s natural medium of communication, symbolic language. Play serves important child developmental purposes including motor, social, emotional, intellectual and mastery. Play represents the child's attempt to organize and integrate their experiences and internal world.  It is by expressing, through play - the process of externalizing the images and symbols from the inner world, through a creative medium that is witnessed in sensory form and honoured by a skilled and trained therapist who is fully present - that a deeper level of growth and healing occur. Child-Centered Play Therapy is an empirically supported approach that helps children express feelings, heal trauma, develop emotional regulation and problem-solving skills, and enhance self-esteem. 

Filial Therapy is a highly effective empirically-supported intervention integrating family therapy and play therapy to address child and family problems. Therapists learn how to train and supervise parents as they conduct special child-centered play sessions with their own children, an approach designed to resolve presenting problems while strengthening family relationships. It facilitates positive and long-lasting child and family change. Filial therapy has been used in many different settings and has been embraced by many cultural and ethnic groups throughout the world because of its respectful involvement of parents as partners in the process of family change.

07 NDPT Filial


Attachment theory and practice within the play therapy models is pivotal and integral to the healing of children with developmental trauma. This course will review attachment theory and introduce students to effective models for treating children with developmental trauma through play therapy and attachment focused therapy, including: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Theraplay Circle of Security The course will also focus on how to use Play Therapy approaches to assist the assessment and treatment of developmental trauma, integrating the therapy models and approaches to enhance its usability and effectiveness with children and families.

Attachment Image


Theraplay is a dynamic and effective short-term approach to treating children’s emotional, social and behavioural problems. Based on the intimacy and physical interplay that characterize normal relationships between parent and child, Theraplay as a play therapy technique uses structured play to enhance healthy attachment, selfregulation and to promote the child’s self-esteem, competence and trust in others. Theraplay as a play therapy model is applicable to children of all ages from infants to adolescents. Methods for guiding parents to observe their children more emphatically and to participate in direct application in treatment sessions aimed at fostering better parent-child relationship will be reviewed.

07 Theraplay


This introductory course will begin with a short introduction to CAPT and the Certification Process. Following the morning break a presentation will begin on the various definitions of play therapy. The therapeutic powers of play will be presented and applied to the play therapy process. Students will also learn how to set up a playroom and a portable play therapy kit and how to select appropriate toys and materials.

09 Sandtray

Overview: This one day course explores current theories and research on brain development with a focus on common presenting problems encountered by play therapists, such as attachment problems, neglect and trauma exposure. This course will investigate the influence of “play” on the brain and consequently the “healing of children” within all models of play therapy.

This overview of the key principles of neurodevelopment will be invaluable for play therapy clinicians during the assessment process and for developing
effective treatment plans. This course will also review some promising treatment approaches, such as neurosequential programming, to help inform the selection of appropriate play therapy models.

10 Brain


Many children and adolescents are referred for therapy because they have experienced a traumatic event or a series of events. This workshop will define the various types of trauma including complex trauma and other disorders that may be trauma-based. It will provide an overview of trauma symptoms across the lifespan emphasizing the types of post-traumatic play seen in the playroom. a framework for assessing the symptoms of trauma as experienced by young, school aged including and adolescent clients and their families using a variety of play based, standardized and non-standardized measures will be explored.

The instructor will identify a theoretical perspective that determines the current stage of treatment so that the therapist can make informed decisions about what to address with a traumatized child and his/her family, when it should be addressed, and why.

This course incorporates a culturally sensitive perspective given the culturally diverse populations seen in clinical practice with an emphasis on working with Canada’s Indigenous children, youth and families.

The second day This workshop provides an overview of treatment for traumatized children and adolescents. It includes an in depth exploration of at the various types of play that traumatized children engage in, trans-theoretical stages of trauma therapy and at exposure; one of the essential elements of trauma therapy. It will highlight evidence based models such trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy (Cohen, Mannarino & Deblinger) for type one traumas, the Attachment, Self Regulation and Competency model (Blaustein & Kinnibergh) for complex trauma and how they can be adapted to play therapy.

There are other emerging models that have a developing evidence base will also be explored

11 Trauma


Using lecture, student practice sessions, instructor demonstration and teaching videotapes, this two-day course will integrate foundational child abuse theories with directive and nondirective play therapy methods to prepare play therapists to meet the unique needs of children and youth who have been physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused.

12 Abused Children


Anti-oppressive practice, cultural competence, cultural humility and the integration of these in the provision of play therapy services is an essential element of working with culturally diverse children and families. The principals that inform this include a number of facets related to identity and experiences of relative power and privilege. One facet, and perhaps a starting place, is self-reflection: acknowledging privilege and the benefits that affords. Another facet is responsibility: taking responsibility for the historical injustices that have resulted from unearned privilege. A third facet is receptivity: seeking and remaining open to feedback from oppressed and marginalized groups and individuals about how to better understand and more sensitively respond to their experiences of oppression and marginalization, both historical and ongoing. And yet another facet is action: putting into action an ongoing process of reflection, responsibility and receptivity that supports a clinical response that is built on social justice principles and practices.

This one-day course will engage participants in: activities of self-reflection and sharing; didactic teaching and audio-visual material that explore historical and current social justice issues; group activities to support openness and discussion and practical suggestions about how to put this into action in the practice of play therapy.

13 Inclusive


Stories have been with us since the beginning of mankind. In fact, stories seem to have pre-dated oral language as evidenced by cave drawings. This session will explore how to use story models of play therapy to assess and heal children, youth, adults, and families. Participants will understand the different uses of Storytelling in play therapy, including Narrative Therapy, Drama Therapy, Sand Tray, Art, and Puppetry. Participant will be able to use stories to attain three main goals; assessment, treatment/healing and evaluation. As well they will be able find or create stories to meet specific client goals.

14 Storytelling


Anxiety is the most frequently occurring mental illness among children and adolescents. It includes Generalized Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Separation Anxiety, Selective Mutism and Specific Phobias. This workshop will describe the most common anxiety disorders and how to assess for them. As they have both biological and behavioural components, the importance of working with primary care physicians and psychiatrists will be addressed. This workshop will outline Cognitive Behaviour Play Therapy interventions that are adaptations of evidence-based CBT principles such as psycho-education, skill development, exposure and relapse prevention. Methods of evaluating progress and outcomes in therapy will be explored.

15 Anxiety


Disruptive Behaviour disorders (DBD’s) are the most common mental health problem among children. In addition to being one of the most common disorders it is also one of the most challenging to intervene with for a variety of reasons, including the prevalence of co-morbidity and level of associated issues such as disregulation, anti-social behaviour and systemic problems.

This two-day presentation will provide participants with a clear understanding of the DBD spectrum, including diagnostic features, risk and preventive factors, and intervention strategies using play therapy for the individual, family and school setting.

16 Disruptive


Puppets have been used for centuries to entertain and educate children and adults. In more recent times we have learned to use puppets to engage and heal children, youth and families through play therapy using puppets. This workshop will provide participants with the key skills and requirements to help puppets come alive and be powerful tools in setting and achieving treatment goals. Participants will be presented with a wide variety of ways to use puppets to meet a wide variety of treatment goals

17 Puppetry


Although Play Therapy has been recognized as an effective approach with children, few practitioners may be aware that adults can benefit from this approach too. Play Therapy assumes that clients of all ages remain child-like within their internal processes and that everyone can benefit from nonverbal self-expression. Play Therapy interventions can allow adults to access their inner selves and work through everything from childhood trauma to life transitions. Creating a safer, more distanced approach through play, and knowing how to use a variety of materials within a session, helps build the therapeutic relationship and the trust needed to work through presenting problems. These interventions promote healing and stress reduction by giving clients the permission they need to access the child within.

Research has demonstrated that Play Therapy techniques can also be effectively incorporated into therapy for adults with developmental disabilities, co-morbid mental health disorders or anyone who might struggle with traditional “talk therapy”. Play Therapy can assist adults in validating and interpreting their experiences without the defectiveness of therapeutic goals. It can lead to stress release, self-affirmation, insight, and improved communication.

In this one-day training we will explore the diverse approaches and clinical strategies employed by play therapists with adults and give participants the opportunity to practice some of these techniques with each other. This training encourages clinicians to make greater use of expressive play therapy activities to enrich their therapeutic interactions with clients.

18 Adults


Group work can be challenging, but it also is extremely interesting and rewarding. Many issues have been found to be better treated through group play therapy than individually. This course will help participants strengthen their knowledge and skills in being able to run effective play therapy groups involving children and adolescents. Participants will learn how to make critical decisions when forming groups and to establish what their role should be to maximize effectiveness. Participants will also learn how to deal with conflict and utilize group issues as “learning moments”.

19 Group


When children and adolescents enter therapy due to a significant loss, they are at a very vulnerable time in their lives. They are often anxious about the therapeutic process and reluctant or unable to talk directly about painful feelings. Therapy that is engaging and play-based can facilitate their expression of grief and loss. This two-day training will combine up-to-date theory with innovative play therapy techniques. A theoretical overview will provide a context for the assessment and treatment interventions. Creative interventions will be outlined to equip therapists to assess and treat various forms of childhood loss such as bereavement, divorce, and placement in out-of-home care. A combination of lecture, experiential exercises, and activities will provide participants with an enriching training experience. Workshop participants will come away with a better understanding of grief theory, and many new and innovative play therapy techniques.

20 Coping


The CAPT Play Therapy Certificate Program has provided participants with a broad array of play therapy models, theories and strategies to deal with a wide variety of mental health issues and disorders in the clinical world. This presentation will integrate the course material learned in the first five (5) weeks of the Foundation Play Therapy training and will apply these learnings to a case study. The instructor will discuss the case from referral to termination, including which model of play therapy intervention to select and which strategies to use in the various stages of treatment: Assessment, Treatment Planning, Intervention and Termination. Participants will explore how alternative clinical decisions might impact the case.

21 Case


Art Therapy is a therapeutic process that uses art as an intervention to effectively work with children, teens and adults to address numerous issues. Art Therapy is integral to play therapy theory and associated models. Art Therapy can be utilized with individuals, groups, couples or families within private practice, hospitals, schools, centres, outreach, outpatient, etc. Art Therapy can be utilized to enhance the child’s healing. This one-day course will provide an overview of art therapy and how to use art as a therapeutic play therapy tool with children.

22 Art


This course will provide an overview of Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Resiliency during the practice of play therapy. The importance of self-care in applying various play therapy models and care will be highlighted and participants will explore creative modalities for developing an individual self-care program.

23 Self Care

Welcome to the CAPT Learning Management System

In this short course we will review how to:

  • log into the system prior to and on the day of your training 
  • upload and present material for your own training
  • engage with students in an online learning space
  • review expectations of students in an online learning space 
  • practice using an online meeting space as your virtual classroom by engaging in small group discussions, sharing your screen, engaging students using the chat box 
  • identify back up strategies if technology challenges occur on the day of your training

book stack with PT courses

CAPT Board Orientation

This recorded orientation was completed on Saturday February 12th.

Click here to view the video.

Passcode will be required to view the video: +b%Qt90o


Chenille microfibre hair cleans touch screens

Medium-point black ink and a silicone stylus at nib

An excellent nib for writing perfectly every time


Chenille microfibre hair cleans touch screens

Medium-point black ink and a silicone stylus at nib

An excellent nib for writing perfectly every time

CAPT Brochure



Join us for this informative, fun presentation which focuses on the responsible integration of digital tools in play therapy, the importance of speaking the client's language, and honoring the client's culture - with plenty of fun and experiential exercises sprinkled throughout! Digital Play TherapyTM is not about jumping on some trendy bandwagon; it is about appropriately incorporating cultural shifts and having a foundation for such inclusion.

Course Learning Outcomes


Students will have demonstrated the ability to:

  • Explore what play is developmentally, culturally and generationally 

  • Identify key terms that help distinguish Relational Therapeutic Play and Play Therapy.

  • Describe the difference between Relational Therapeutic Play and Play Therapy. 

  • Identify how relational therapeutic play can positively impact an individual’s emotional, physical, social and brain development in all life spaces/ milieus. 

  • Apply APA standards and Universal Design principles to all submitted evaluations. 


This introductory course will begin with a short introduction to CAPT and the Certification Process. Following the morning break a presentation will begin on the various definitions of play therapy. The therapeutic powers of play will be presented and applied to the play therapy process. Students will also learn how to set up a playroom and a portable play therapy kit and how to select appropriate toys and materials.


This two-day course will begin with a review of the major theories that constitute the frameworks for the major models of play therapy, particularly the psychoanalytic influences in the early part of the twentieth century, the person-centered work in the middle and the didactic theories that have been developed in the latter part of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The history of play therapy will be carefully presented so as to observe the evolution of this method of child intervention, allowing the members of the class to participate with case vignettes and small group discussions. The play therapy process will be examined with a particular focus on understanding basic themes by observing a play therapy puppet show, discovering and sharing these themes in small groups and learning how to record themes. Particular attention will be placed on how to respond to child client’s need for pacing of emotional content. Selected research studies supporting the effectiveness of play therapy will also be presented, thereby being aware of the attention to current efficacy based research, qualitative studies and the need for future studies.


This will be an introduction into ethics and a review of ethical decision making models in a Play Therapy setting. The CACPT Code of Ethics will be a pivotal component to this workshop, observing the child-therapist relationships, play therapy case reporting, ethical considerations such as confidentiality, dual relationships in play therapy. Standards of practice both from an ethical point of view as well as professionally will be addressed. Ethics will be looked at in the context of who we are as play therapists, where we work and how these can influence and affect our decision-making processes. Key ethical conflicts will be explored and discussed in a play therapy setting. The Canadian Association for Child and Play Therapy code of ethics and the application of it to the professional practice as a Child Psychotherapist and Play Therapist will be reviewed.


This workshop will outline a directive play therapy model for assessing children and families. Creative engagement and assessment activities will be presented. Participants will learn how to translate assessment information into a treatment plan, and guidelines for report writing will be discussed. Participants will receive a packet of assessment activities that they can use immediately in their practice.


Attachment theory and practice within the play therapy models is pivotal and integral to the healing of children with developmental trauma. This course will review attachment theory and introduce students to effective models for treating children with developmental trauma through play therapy and attachment focused therapy, including: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Theraplay Circle of Security The course will also focus on how to use Play Therapy approaches to assist the assessment and treatment of developmental trauma, integrating the therapy models and approaches to enhance its usability and effectiveness with children and families.


 Non-Directive Play Therapy is the most prominent model of play therapy. Child-centered play therapy was developed by Virginia Axline based on the principles Client-Centered Therapy by Carl Rogers. Its premise is that if a therapist creates a safe therapeutic environment a child will initiate the therapeutic work they need to do to resolve presenting issues. It is an evidence-based therapeutic intervention for children ages 3-12 and older. 

 Play is a child’s natural medium of communication, symbolic language. Play serves important child developmental purposes including motor, social, emotional, intellectual and mastery. Play represents the child's attempt to organize and integrate their experiences and internal world.  It is by expressing, through play - the process of externalizing the images and symbols from the inner world, through a creative medium that is witnessed in sensory form and honoured by a skilled and trained therapist who is fully present - that a deeper level of growth and healing occur. Child-Centered Play Therapy is an empirically supported approach that helps children express feelings, heal trauma, develop emotional regulation and problem-solving skills, and enhance self-esteem. 

Filial Therapy is a highly effective empirically-supported intervention integrating family therapy and play therapy to address child and family problems. Therapists learn how to train and supervise parents as they conduct special child-centered play sessions with their own children, an approach designed to resolve presenting problems while strengthening family relationships. It facilitates positive and long-lasting child and family change. Filial therapy has been used in many different settings and has been embraced by many cultural and ethnic groups throughout the world because of its respectful involvement of parents as partners in the process of family change.


Theraplay is a dynamic and effective short-term approach to treating children’s emotional, social and behavioural problems. Based on the intimacy and physical interplay that characterize normal relationships between parent and child, Theraplay as a play therapy technique uses structured play to enhance healthy attachment, selfregulation and to promote the child’s self-esteem, competence and trust in others. Theraplay as a play therapy model is applicable to children of all ages from infants to adolescents. Methods for guiding parents to observe their children more emphatically and to participate in direct application in treatment sessions aimed at fostering better parent-child relationship will be reviewed.


Family play therapy has been growing in the use as clinicians discover that play can be universally used with all ages. Through family therapy, the power of the system is able to be harnessed along with the power of play to create an amazing process of learning and change. This course will help lay the foundation for understanding why family play therapy is effective and how to make sessions with families engaging and effective.


This introductory course will begin with a short introduction to CAPT and the Certification Process. Following the morning break a presentation will begin on the various definitions of play therapy. The therapeutic powers of play will be presented and applied to the play therapy process. Students will also learn how to set up a playroom and a portable play therapy kit and how to select appropriate toys and materials.

Overview: This one day course explores current theories and research on brain development with a focus on common presenting problems encountered by play therapists, such as attachment problems, neglect and trauma exposure. This course will investigate the influence of “play” on the brain and consequently the “healing of children” within all models of play therapy.

This overview of the key principles of neurodevelopment will be invaluable for play therapy clinicians during the assessment process and for developing
effective treatment plans. This course will also review some promising treatment approaches, such as neurosequential programming, to help inform the selection of appropriate play therapy models.


Many children and adolescents are referred for therapy because they have experienced a traumatic event or a series of events. This workshop will define the various types of trauma including complex trauma and other disorders that may be trauma-based. It will provide an overview of trauma symptoms across the lifespan emphasizing the types of post-traumatic play seen in the playroom. a framework for assessing the symptoms of trauma as experienced by young, school aged including and adolescent clients and their families using a variety of play based, standardized and non-standardized measures will be explored.

The instructor will identify a theoretical perspective that determines the current stage of treatment so that the therapist can make informed decisions about what to address with a traumatized child and his/her family, when it should be addressed, and why.

This course incorporates a culturally sensitive perspective given the culturally diverse populations seen in clinical practice with an emphasis on working with Canada’s Indigenous children, youth and families.


This workshop provides an overview of treatment for traumatized children and adolescents. It includes an indepth exploration of at the various types of play that traumatized children engage in, trans-theoretical stages of trauma therapy and at exposure; one of the essential elements of trauma therapy. It will highlight evidence based models such trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy (Cohen, Mannarino & Deblinger) for type one traumas, the Attachment, Self Regulation and Competency model (Blaustein & Kinnibergh) for complex traum and how they can be adapted to play therapy.

There are other emerging models that have a developing evidence base will also be explored


Disruptive Behaviour disorders (DBD’s) are the most common mental health problem among children. In addition to being one of the most common disorders it is also one of the most challenging to intervene with for a variety of reasons, including the prevalence of co-morbidity and level of associated issues such as disregulation, anti-social behaviour and systemic problems.

This two-day presentation will provide participants with a clear understanding of the DBD spectrum, including diagnostic features, risk and preventive factors, and intervention strategies using play therapy for the individual, family and school setting.


Anti-oppressive practice, cultural competence, cultural humility and the integration of these in the provision of play therapy services is an essential element of working with culturally diverse children and families. The principals that inform this include a number of facets related to identity and experiences of relative power and privilege. One facet, and perhaps a starting place, is self-reflection: acknowledging privilege and the benefits that affords. Another facet is responsibility: taking responsibility for the historical injustices that have resulted from unearned privilege. A third facet is receptivity: seeking and remaining open to feedback from oppressed and marginalized groups and individuals about how to better understand and more sensitively respond to their experiences of oppression and marginalization, both historical and ongoing. And yet another facet is action: putting into action an ongoing process of reflection, responsibility and receptivity that supports a clinical response that is built on social justice principles and practices.

This one-day course will engage participants in: activities of self-reflection and sharing; didactic teaching and audio-visual material that explore historical and current social justice issues; group activities to support openness and discussion and practical suggestions about how to put this into action in the practice of play therapy.


Stories have been with us since the beginning of mankind. In fact, stories seem to have pre-dated oral language as evidenced by cave drawings. This session will explore how to use story models of play therapy to assess and heal children, youth, adults, and families. Participants will understand the different uses of Storytelling in play therapy, including Narrative Therapy, Drama Therapy, Sand Tray, Art, and Puppetry. Participant will be able to use stories to attain three main goals; assessment, treatment/healing and evaluation. As well they will be able find or create stories to meet specific client goals.


Anxiety is the most frequently occurring mental illness among children and adolescents. It includes Generalized Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Separation Anxiety, Selective Mutism and Specific Phobias. This workshop will describe the most common anxiety disorders and how to assess for them. As they have both biological and behavioural components, the importance of working with primary care physicians and psychiatrists will be addressed. This workshop will outline Cognitive Behaviour Play Therapy interventions that are adaptations of evidence-based CBT principles such as psycho-education, skill development, exposure and relapse prevention. Methods of evaluating progress and outcomes in therapy will be explored.


Using lecture, student practice sessions, instructor demonstration and teaching videotapes, this two-day course will integrate foundational child abuse theories with directive and nondirective play therapy methods to prepare play therapists to meet the unique needs of children and youth who have been physically, sexually and/or emotionally abused.


Puppets have been used for centuries to entertain and educate children and adults. In more recent times we have learned to use puppets to engage and heal children, youth and families through play therapy using puppets. This workshop will provide participants with the key skills and requirements to help puppets come alive and be powerful tools in setting and achieving treatment goals. Participants will be presented with a wide variety of ways to use puppets to meet a wide variety of treatment goals


Although Play Therapy has been recognized as an effective approach with children, few practitioners may be aware that adults can benefit from this approach too. Play Therapy assumes that clients of all ages remain child-like within their internal processes and that everyone can benefit from nonverbal self-expression. Play Therapy interventions can allow adults to access their inner selves and work through everything from childhood trauma to life transitions. Creating a safer, more distanced approach through play, and knowing how to use a variety of materials within a session, helps build the therapeutic relationship and the trust needed to work through presenting problems. These interventions promote healing and stress reduction by giving clients the permission they need to access the child within.

Research has demonstrated that Play Therapy techniques can also be effectively incorporated into therapy for adults with developmental disabilities, co-morbid mental health disorders or anyone who might struggle with traditional “talk therapy”. Play Therapy can assist adults in validating and interpreting their experiences without the defectiveness of therapeutic goals. It can lead to stress release, self-affirmation, insight, and improved communication.

In this one-day training we will explore the diverse approaches and clinical strategies employed by play therapists with adults and give participants the opportunity to practice some of these techniques with each other. This training encourages clinicians to make greater use of expressive play therapy activities to enrich their therapeutic interactions with clients.


Group work can be challenging, but it also is extremely interesting and rewarding. Many issues have been found to be better treated through group play therapy than individually. This course will help participants strengthen their knowledge and skills in being able to run effective play therapy groups involving children and adolescents. Participants will learn how to make critical decisions when forming groups and to establish what their role should be to maximize effectiveness. Participants will also learn how to deal with conflict and utilize group issues as “learning moments”.


When children and adolescents enter therapy due to a significant loss, they are at a very vulnerable time in their lives. They are often anxious about the therapeutic process and reluctant or unable to talk directly about painful feelings. Therapy that is engaging and play-based can facilitate their expression of grief and loss. This two-day training will combine up-to-date theory with innovative play therapy techniques. A theoretical overview will provide a context for the assessment and treatment interventions. Creative interventions will be outlined to equip therapists to assess and treat various forms of childhood loss such as bereavement, divorce, and placement in out-of-home care. A combination of lecture, experiential exercises, and activities will provide participants with an enriching training experience. Workshop participants will come away with a better understanding of grief theory, and many new and innovative play therapy techniques.


The CAPT Play Therapy Certificate Program has provided participants with a broad array of play therapy models, theories and strategies to deal with a wide variety of mental health issues and disorders in the clinical world. This presentation will integrate the course material learned in the first five (5) weeks of the Foundation Play Therapy training and will apply these learnings to a case study. The instructor will discuss the case from referral to termination, including which model of play therapy intervention to select and which strategies to use in the various stages of treatment: Assessment, Treatment Planning, Intervention and Termination. Participants will explore how alternative clinical decisions might impact the case.


Art Therapy is a therapeutic process that uses art as an intervention to effectively work with children, teens and adults to address numerous issues. Art Therapy is integral to play therapy theory and associated models. Art Therapy can be utilized with individuals, groups, couples or families within private practice, hospitals, schools, centres, outreach, outpatient, etc. Art Therapy can be utilized to enhance the child’s healing. This one-day course will provide an overview of art therapy and how to use art as a therapeutic play therapy tool with children.


This course will provide an overview of Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Resiliency during the practice of play therapy. The importance of self-care in applying various play therapy models and care will be highlighted and participants will explore creative modalities for developing an individual self-care program.